
Friday, February 18, 2011

13B1 HW

Complete Mixed Ex 3D, Q5 and 6 and Mixed Ex 4F, Q1 and 2. Hand this in on Friday 4th March.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

12B1 Logs HW

Read and understand page 47 of the Core 2 textbook.

Answer questions 1-5 from page 48, Mixed Ex 3G.

Hand in on Monday 28th February.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

12B1 Logs HW

What is a logarithm and what is it used for? Find out what the log buttons on your calculator do and how to use them properly.

Complete for Monday 14th February.

Monday, February 7, 2011

7v2 MyMaths review HW

Complete a MyMaths review HW in your red HW books for Thursday 10th February. You should review the "Ordering decimals" task and the "Equivalent fractions" task. Follow the template stuck into the back of your HW book.

Friday, February 4, 2011

13B1 HW

Mixed Exercise 2E, page 21, Questions 1, 4 and 6.

Hand in on Friday 11th February.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

7p3 Squares in Rectangles HW

Write a report on A4 paper.
  • What was the task? Use a 3 by 2 rectangle with diagrams to help explain.
  • Which rectangles did you investigate? Include them in your report.
  • Did you spot any patterns? How did these patterns help?
  • Did you find a rectangle with exactly 100 squares? Show your solution.

Hand in you report on Wednesday 9th February.