
Friday, December 11, 2009

8v1 HW

Write a report on your reaction times data. Who has quicker reactions, boys or girls? Include averages, charts and graphs.

How did you collect and record your data? Why did you record it this way?
Which values did you use and why?
What were the mean, median and mode? Show your calculations.
What else did you do to analyse your data? Did you use any charts or graphs?
What do your results tell you?

Reports to be handed in on Friday 18th Dec or e-mailed to me by Friday.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

8p2 HW

Bring some newspaper articles to the lesson on Tuesday 15th Dec. Follow the link below to view the task to help you decide what type and how many articles you should bring in.

Have a look at the "Newspaper Readability" PowerPoint at

7p3 MyMaths HW

Two MyMaths tasks to be completed for Thursday 17th Dec.

Friday, December 4, 2009

7v3 HW

Complete your "Dodgy Dice" write up and hand in on Friday 11th Dec. Include:
• your experimental data,
• your net,
• an explanation of how you constructed your dice,
• the probabilities for each score on your dice,
• stick your dice to the poster,
• distill what you have learned about calculating probabilities from experimental data.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

7p3 Maths HW

Complete your "Dodgy Dice" write up and hand in on Wednesday 9th Dec. Include:
• your experimental data,
• your net,
• an explanation of how you constructed your dice,
• the probabilities for each score on your dice,
• stick your dice to the poster,
• distill what you have learned about calculating probabilities from experimental data.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009