
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Year 13 Further Maths HW

Complete questions 1-5 of mixed exercise 4K (page 104) for the first Tuesday after half term.

Monday, October 19, 2009

11P data handling resit class

Follow the link to the mark scheme for the June 2007 data handling exam. Mark your work and create a list of topics you still need to revise.

7v3 Revision HW

Please complete a revision poster, on a topic of your own choice, for Wednesday. This is part of your preparation for the test.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Year 7 and 8 maths assessments

Maths assessments will take place next week. You will have a mental test during the first lesson of the week and a one hour, non-calculator paper during the second lesson.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

7v5 MyMaths revision HW

Complete at least one MyMaths HW for next Thursday. Use your exercise book to help you decide which topics you need to revise. This is part of your revision for next week's assessments.

7p3 revision HW

Complete at least one MyMaths HW for next Thursday. Use your exercise book to help you decide which topics you need to revise. This is part of your revision for next week's assessments.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

8p2 MyMaths revision HW

Complete at least one MyMaths HW task for next Tuesday. This is part of your revision for next week's assessments. Use your exercise book to help you decide what topics to revise.

7v3 research HW

Who are the Ndebele? What link do they have with the work we are currently doing on shapes and angles? Research and bring your answers to class on Friday.

If possible, bring an example of Ndebele art with you to the lesson on Friday.

Monday, October 12, 2009

8v1 Revision HW

Complete a revision poster on any topic you wish. This will be collected in next Monday. Don't forget to bring a picture for enlarging to Friday's lesson.

Friday, October 9, 2009

8v1 MyMaths HW

HW for this week is to re-do the Quadratic Sequences and Graphs exercises if you got less than 40%.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

8p2 - room change

We will be in room 24 on Thursday mornings until further notice.

7p3 - Sets of Four Numbers HW

HW will be collected in next Wednesday, 14th October. The task can be found at the link below. If you find all ten sets of four numbers, and can name them all, submit a solution to the Nrich website. A merit for any solution published on the website.

Handshakes investigation

To any class who completed the Handshakes investigation,

The Handshakes investigation is one of the problems on the Nrich website this month. Follow the link below to find it. Any students submitting a solution good enough to be published, will receive a merit.

7v3 MyMaths HW

2 MyMaths tasks to be completed for next Wednesday, 14th October. Links to the two tasks below.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Bring in a small picture for Wednesday's lesson. A small cartoon image from Clipart would be ideal.

Monday, October 5, 2009

8v1 MyMaths HW

If you got a red traffic light on either the Quadratic Sequences or Graphs HW, it needs to be re-done. Help is available in room 6 on Mon, Wed or Fri lunchtime at 1pm.

8p5 - Ratio worksheet HW

Complete your ratio worksheet HW for Friday. Answer the 20 questions and then colour in your answers on the grid. Use the following MyMaths link to help you revise how to simplify a ratio.

Friday, October 2, 2009

8p2 HW

Don't forget to complete the division grid in your exercise books AND explain what you learned about dividing by decimals between 0 and 1. HW will be collected on Tuesday.

7p3 Maths HW

Don't forget your Fibonacci Sequence research HW for Wednesday. What is the sequence and where is it found in nature?

7v3 - Sets of four numbers HW

HW needs to be completed for Wednesday. The task can be found at the link below. Don't forget to submit your solutions online if you find and can name all ten sets.

All Year 7 and 8 Classes

All year 7 and 8 classes will have assessments the week beginning 19th October. You will have a 30 question mental test in the first lesson of the week and a one hour, non-calculator written paper in the second lesson of the week.

8v1 MyMaths HW and recipes

Don't forget to complete your MyMaths HW for Monday and bring a recipe to Monday's lesson. Make sure your recipe has ingredients, quantities and a number of servings.

7v5 MyMaths HW

Don't forget to complete your angles HW on the MyMaths website. The HW is for Wednesday. You can use the computers in the library or the computer room at lunchtime.